Wvu mounty bounty
Wvu mounty bounty

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And it's free and for the bus that goes for that to just sweep your I D. Someone asked if the purity is free and, yes, if you're a W B U student, then you get like a student, I d card and you can swipe that for the P R T. If the buses all the way downtown, I'll walk to it when it's like closer to me so it's just helpful, definitely in the winter. Like if it's cold outside, I'm not gonna walk to the bus stop now. Basically, I use this one instead of the W View mobile because you contract the bus like in real time where it is. Like I said, I used Beatrice or blue and gold, and they both go downtown to my classes and also up to Evansville. If you miss one bus like another bus will be there soon. And it's the bus line at for our university. I use the blue and gold and the teachers bus Lauren's to get to Evan Zale and downtown. I don't really look at this tab, but it also has the W view news tab, and then I don't use this app for the bus but it has like the bus line information. It has Evansville and downtown with everything like every dining hall, um, like residential hall building on labels. Like if you're a freshman, definitely because it has a campus map. So if you're on Evans, Dale and you've class downtown just going your app and see if the purity is down or not whether whether or not take the bus. You if you take the purity every day, So I started to just to take the bus. Someone else asked if there's any absolutely you can use on campus and I have a few on my phone. It's going to depend on what you're what college within the university that you're applying to part of the Reed College of Media. Then someone that's going into, like engineering or something like it really just depends. If you're going in as undecided, you probably have a higher chance of getting in. Also I'm in the journalism media program and they have a really good media program. There's the downtown campus, which is where most of my classes are. West Virginia has really has a really pretty campus like West Virginia is known for, like the mountains, obviously the Mountaineers. Okay, so the first question waas What made you choose w view toward a lot of campuses and also considering going to Penn State. I thought they would be helpful to anyone that is looking at going to W V U next year or in the future.

wvu mounty bounty

I'm going to be answering some questions that I had commented on some my old video of, like some of the questions that people asked. The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.

Wvu mounty bounty